Spiritual Unity Strong Community

ABOUT Torah Observant Messianic Community:

ABOUT-Torah is the web interface for the Torah Observant Messianic Community of Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue. At ABOUT-Torah and Ruach V’Emet we understand that all believers who “Hold to the testimony of Yeshua and keep the commandments of God” (Revelation 12:17) are spiritually complete followers of Yeshua. However, this completeness does not come without quality messianic teaching and messianic training. Therefore, the resources of the local synagogue and the ABOUT Torah web network are dedicated to develop quality messianic training and messianic teaching resources to help in the spiritual growth of the entire messianic community. To help in the spiritual growth of all messianic leaders ABOUT-Torah also offers messianic leadership training through the messianic yeshiva program.
ABOUT-Torah Yeshiva is called to train future messianic leaders using holy-spirit led messianic teachings as well as encouraging the messianic leadership to live a Torah based life. The ultimate goal is for all messianic leaders to walk in Spirit and Truth by embracing the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and becoming obedient to the Torah (truth). Unfortunately, many messianic leaders never reach this level of understanding. Even though the scriptural commandment to worship in Spirit and Truth is given to all messianic believers. In other words, all Messianic believers are given the Holy Spirit so that through obedience we are perfected and empowered to walk in the light of Messiah. This is what is required to please the God of Israel as we can see in John 4:22-23 which states
“you worship what you have not known; we worship what we have known, because the salvation is of the Jews; but, there comes an hour, and it now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father also does seek such to worship him;”
The in filling of the Holy Spirit as well as the rock solid truth of the Torah trains the believer to be obedient. Obedience is required for the messianic believer to present the image of Messiah to the world. Yeshua clearly makes the case that the Father desires that all believers worship him in spirit and in truth. Therefore, it is a requirement that all messianic individuals seeking leadership roles learn about obedience through Torah training and spirit led messianic teaching. With quality training and teaching a messianic leader can become a witness to his congregation as well as the world. As a result, the whole world will see that there is a God in Israel and learn that true worshipers must worship in “Spirit and in Truth”(Ruach V’Emet) רוּח ואמת as demonstrated through the Holy Spirit and obedience to the Torah.
Torah Observant Association
ABOUT-Torah is the acronym for, Association of Believers Observing, Understanding and Teaching Torah. ABOUT Torah is a messianic association with the goal of providing training and fellowship for Torah Observant believers in messiah Yeshua. Any Torah Observant believer can become a embers of the ABOUT Torah association. This includes Torah Observant Christians, the Ephraimite movement (aka. Messianic Israel), and the Torah Observant Messianic Jewish. The ABOUT Torah association desires to bring several diverse groups together who are the true remnant of the followers of Yeshua and also “Hold to the testimony of Yeshua and keep the commandments of God”(Revelation 12:17).
ABOUT-Torah is the binding force that unifies the Ruach V’Emet messianic Yeshiva, the local synagogue, and Torah research institute. Ruach V’Emet also encourages its staff and leaders to seek continuing education and memberships in other professional and like-minded organizations. As a result, of the training, access to professional organizations, ministries and affiliations ABOUT-Torah is capable of organizing and motivating individuals who desire to learn about the Torah, seek ordination, fellowship locally, research specific aspects of the Torah Observant life style, or just fellowship with supportive like minded messianic individuals.
The future hope of the world is that Torah Observant Messianic Jewish and non-Jewish movements will unify as believers in Yeshua and doers of the Torah by laying down our differences an forming a unified community. Thereby becoming the light of the world that we are expected to be.
The Desired Goal Of ABOUT-Torah:
With local and Internet resources ABOUT-Torah has the ability to organize events that bring like-minded believers together in spiritual unity for the Holy Days and other local events. As a result, the whole Torah observant messianic community becomes a stronger community as the whole body of messiah is edified by the diversity of the ABOUT-Torah & Ruach V’Emet network..
The ABOUT-Torah Observant Messianic Network:
There are many ways to join the ABOUT-Torah movement. If you are considering ordination we recommend taking classes at the ABOUT-Torah Yeshiva. If you are not considering ordination you can subscribe to our weekly Torah Portions & News Letter. You can also follow us on our Pod Teachings or our Facebook or Twitter accounts.
Yeshivat Ruach V’Emet Torah School & Research Library
Leadership Training:
Yashivat Ruach V’Emet is the yeshiva (Torah School) of Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue. Yashivat Ruach V’Emet consists of a local presence which is operated under the authority of the Synagogue. However, Yashivat Ruach V’Emet also maintains a virtual presence on the world wide web. The web presence of Yashivat Ruach V’Emet is the Internet portal for the training and mentoring of future messianic leaders who will join the ABOUT-Torah network and teach other believers to ignite the flame of Torah in every individuals life. If you desire to take classes:
Enroll Now To Secure Your Place In The Upcoming Session. Please Hurry The New Session Is Starting Soon.
Graduation & Ordination

Yashivat Ruach V’Emet Research Library
Yeshiva Student Research
Throughout the years the yeshiva has collected hundreds of historical documents & books that relate to ancient rabbinic, Torah observant messianic & Jewish cultural history. To the benefit the entire Torah Observant Messianic Community the students, teachers and administrators of Yeshivat Ruach V’Emet conduct historical research for understanding of messianic social influence, & Jewish political influences during the second temple era & the time of Yeshua. When discoveries are made concerning historical research and these discoveries are beneficial to the entire messianic community links to the research paper will highlighted on this page. Babylonian Sabbath Conspiracy
Yashivat Ruach V’Emet Class Presentations:
Scholarship Fund
For the assistance of individuals who desire to attend the yeshiva, the yeshiva maintains a scholarship fund.
For Information Concerning School Admission And Enrollment:
Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue
[email protected]
OK United States
Internationally: 405-259-6728
The Yeshiva Web Page Also Has More Information Concerning Classes: Yeshivat Ruach V’Emet
Ruach V’Emet (Spirit & Truth:) Messianic Synagogue:
Community Contributions
ABOUT Torah is the world wide web interface and presence for Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue and Yashivat Ruach V’Emet. Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue is a local assembly of Torah Observant Messianic Believers. Therefore, Synagogue has a local congregation and physical address. The primary goal of Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue is to reach the local community by establishing real out reach programs that effect real people in real world situations.
Ruach V’Emet Statement Of Faith:
1. We Believe that Adonai is our G-d. He is one G-d. He alone is G-d; that He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things.
2. We Believe that G-d is holy and eternal in His complexity; that He has all knowledge and all understanding; that He has always and will always be the same.
3. We Believe that the Holy Scripture is the inspired Word of G-d; that Scripture is composed of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
4. We Believe that Yeshua of Natzaret is the fullness of the Godhead as stated in Colossians 2:9, and that Yeshua came to mankind fully in the flesh and at the same time retained the uniqueness of the Godhead; and that Yeshua died, and rose again to ascend to the right hand of the Father.
5. We Believe that Yeshua is the Messiah; that He has fulfilled and will fulfill prophecies by taking upon Himself the punishment for the sins of those who call on His name.
6. We Believe that the Ruach HaKodesh (the Spirit of the Holy One) indwells all believers for the purpose of training and strengthening; that certain powers for the edification of believers and nonbelievers are given according to G-d’s divine will and pleasure.
7. We Believe that it pleases G-d for all believers to live according to His commandments in order to live a holy and righteous lifestyle out of their love for Him.
For More Information Check Out The Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue Web-Page or Call The Synagogue Internationally @ (405) 259-6728. This International Number Is Forwarded To The Brick and Mortar Synagogue.
Annual Sukkot Gathering
Sukkot also know as the Feast of Tabernacles, is one of the most exciting and fun biblically commanded feasts for any Torah observant messianic believer. Ruach V’Emet Yeshiva, Ruach V’Emet Synagogue, ABOUT-Torah.org, the OMJRA, B’Nai Torah and B’Nai Israel combine forces to host the feast of Tabernacles extravaganza. Our combined recourses allow us to enhance our local communities and the fellowships. Therefore, during Sukkot we are able to assemble a diverse group of like minded believers and teachers to celebrate and teach during this Holy time known as Sukkot.
We welcome everyone to celebrate Sukkot with us and dwell in temporary dwellings. Many of the attendees will either use campers or tents. However, within the area we celebrate Sukkot are commercial cabins and motel rooms for individuals who are unable to camp at the park. ABOUT-Torah believes that every Sukkot we celebrate is a preparation for the day when we can all go up to celebrate Sukkot in Jerusalem as commanded in Zechariah 14:16-18 which states:
“it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.”
During The Feast Of Sukkot, Ruach V’Emet Messianic Yeshiva hosts its open house. This allows all attendees to meet the staff and teachers of the yeshiva. This also gives attendees the opportunity to fellowship with yeshiva students from different countries.
Sukkot gives Ruach V’Emet on-line yeshiva students the opportunity to teach publicly while under the supervision of instructors. This helps the instructors to evaluate a student’s progress while simultaneously presenting opportunity for feast attendees to listen to new teachings and revelations.
These student teachings are evaluated by the OMJRA Smicha (Ordination) committee. On successfully completing the teaching portion of training the students are presented to the OMJRA Ordination committee as potential ordination candidates. Contingent on the whether the student took the Messianic Pastoral or Messianic Rabbi certification track the student will be recommended for ordination as either Messianic Rabbi or Messianic Pastor.
A student who has completed all the yeshiva required prerequisites and successfully completed these public teachings at Sukkot is presented to HaShem and the community at a graduation ceremony held on the eighth day. On graduation the student is confirmed as an ordained Messianic minister.
Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue uses the time of Sukkot to reach out to those individuals who are in need. This is accomplished through the Tabernacle Tents program. Throughout the year Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue collects, funds to purchases the necessities for camping.
The Synagogue collects the names of individuals who are in need and want to attend the Sukkot extravaganza, but cannot afford camping equipment. The Synagogue puts the names of these individuals into a Sukkot assistance drawing. Before Passover a name is randomly selected and the synagogue provides camping equipment to the individual. At this time Ruach V’Emet only has 1 congregational owned tent. Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue then distributes this camping equipment to the family free of charge to use during The Feast Of Tabernacles. For 2014 a family has already been selected to use the tent.
Through contributions individuals who desire to join us but financially burdened are able to celebrate Sukkot with us as commanded in Deuteronomy 16:13-14 of the The Complete Jewish Bible which states:
“You are to keep the festival of Sukkot for seven days after you have gathered the produce of your threshing-floor and winepress. Rejoice at your festival – you, your sons and daughters, your male and female slaves, the L’vi’im, and the foreigners, orphans and widows living among you.”
2013 was the first year that Ruach V’Emet implemented the Tabernacle Tents program. The 2013 funds were used to subsidize one families attendance at the Sukkot 2013 event. Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue’s goal for this project is to continue to grow allowing us to furnish equipment and subsidize more individuals who are in need in the future.
Please donate so that Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue will be able to continue ABOUT-Torah, yeshiva scholarships and provide for those in need. No donation is too small please help us continue this ministry. Ruach V’Emet Messianic Synagogue is a 501-c3 organization.